Forest Background

YOU MATTER because you are an ORIGINAL (unique, one & only) gift from God to the Relationship of God(F,S,S)! What do I mean, from God to God? To understand let’s look more at defining who God is… (Very Important. If you didn’t already visit the Key Page from the link in the About section, please don’t skip before proceeding.) God(F,S,S) is my grammatically and linguistically incorrect but more complete word to describe the Relationship of God as the Relationship of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You are witness to the birth of a new word (etymology) for God.  

ORIGINAL ME is another way of saying who God created you to be.

God doesn’t force us to accept who God created us to be, but the Relationship of God does relentlessly and perpetually invite us to our own wedding with Jesus! Why? Because YOU MATTER to God! It is your destiny.

As an advocate for who God created you to be (your Original Me), I am here to rock your proverbial religious boat, and it doesn’t matter what flavor of religion you might be (have). All religions (not excluding Christianity) need to transition from religion with a god we really don’t know to a relationship with Jesus. Feeling some uncomfortableness in this discussion can feel uncertain, but Jesus (the fullness of God in human form) did not reveal so we could be certain about religion. Jesus wants us to be certain about who we are in relationship to who God created us to be. Any uncomfortableness is a validating sign that it is worth your time.

Uncomfortableness is expected, but falling out of the boat is not intended.

You may have already noticed some of the words/verbiage being a little different. This is by design. I hope your curiosity will win out over any sense of uncomfortableness. To neutralize some of that uncomfortableness, I have provided a “context key” for how I’m using some of the words/phrases. What may seem like an odd use of wording/phrasing holds significant value/gift and is a contributing part of why anyone should want to keep reading.